Earth Day

We call earth home
here we've built our throne
but now we know we aren't alone
from whence we came.............?
that memory is lost in
the ping pong of amnesia.

I am an earthling, I was born on earth. We have been here for many, many years; the question of where we came from has only elicited controversy. There are folklore, theories and stories that contradict each other.

Out there in the cosmos is an expanse that we are yet to fully explore. It is said that we are humankind; but somehow, someone, something shredded off as you would postage stamp off an envelope; the kind in our kind......Scientist say we are grounded on this planet by a force they call gravity.........or the grounding force. They say earth is the only planet that supports life - however they have been of late exploring the possibility of life out there in the expansive scope of what we call the universe, there has been stories of a new found earth-twin out there, they gave it a name - Kepler. There has been renewed stories of alien beings visiting earth, I say 'renewed' because the Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia held this belief from time immemorial, they brought to us names like we hear of the Reptilians, the Adromedans, the Nordics, the Greys - the list is long but we have had other things, things that provide to us the tell-tale signs that indeed there could be beings out there or even here among us - things like Ooparts - out of place artifacts, toys, tools, devices like the clay pot batteries still containing electrodes found in Iraqi desert dated at 2500 BC, the flyable model airplane found in an Egyptian tomb or the mono-atomic gold with anti-gravity properties - proving that this silent planet holds secrets that are above human comprehension - but then again if we cannot comprehend an artifact buried on earth for thousands of years why do we even try to reach out there into the unknown or rather obsess ourselves with aliens and planets millions of light years away from us? why cant we be contented with our finite "knowing-ness" and do more on earth(a huge junk of which is still terra incognita) in the knowledge that we are grounded here.

A part from gravity there are other factors grounding us here on this beautiful but abused planet - these are the air we breath, the soil that sustains us,and of course the shortness of our lives that prohibits us from delving into the realm of the unknown - take Kepler for example, our short life-span is too brief to endure the journey it would take to get to other words we are grounded indeed.
I have been thinking of late that could it be possible that these factors that seem to support life are the same that pushes us into our early graves? Could Oxygen be some poisonous gas that kills in about 75 years or so? Could the soil be drawing us back to the inorganic matter from which we sprung? Could earth be a parasitic planet with humanity as its host?

Hold; Could earth be a living planet suffering due to our carelessness. Could earth be protesting our imposed environmental degradation? Could the obscene heat thrashing on all side is indeed earth groaning in anger ................ and will we survive the wrath of mother earth when she reaches her limit?.........well these are just my wild thoughts, the bottom line is; our existence is dependent on the survival of earth for without earth we are no more.

Today being Earth Day; I challenge all earthlings like me who acknowledge the fact that we are grounded here to think of making our home a better place........isn't it only sane that we were more pro-earth, isn't it time we channeled our energies to environmental concerns with an even increased urgency, as the ravages of climate change become more manifest everyday?
